Monday, September 21, 2009

New Year, New Fun!

Rosh Hashana was really nice. We had ate three out of the four meals out at friends' houses. Benny was mostly OK. For some reason, he had the hardest time with the Shabbos day meal (when he walked to someone's house!!!) but I'll give him that one. Chalk it up to crazy schedules, intense meals, new faces, you can choose! He loved being in shul on Sunday. I let him walk most of the way to see if he could make it on a Shabbos, but I thought I would be late and miss the shofar so I threw him in the stroller and make a run for it. Of course, the shul was running late so I had another 20-30 minutes to spare! Next time...
Benny sat with Shuky for a nice amount of the davening. When it came to singing parts, he got SO excited and started doing his regular dancing and rocking to the beat. People from the bimah were dancing with him. Everywhere Shuky looked, someone else was either enjoying the show or joining in. So cute!!

School has been going well for me, thank G-d. My older class has been giving me great reviews (via parental feedback) and my younger class is giving me a run for my money. I have them for the last hour of the day and I usually don't get my full hour. By the time I get into the room, they are very ready for the day to be over and nothing I do can keep them happy. It's only been a week so I still have a few tricks up my sleeve. I'm hoping that once the Yomim Tovim are over and the school schedule gets back to normal, I will really be able to make something more of that period!!

Benny is doing well in school, as well! If he doesn't have a good nap before school, he is a MONSTER! But when he does sleep, he loves being in the class! He has his friends already (hung out with them at shul too :D) and does not let me touch his lunch box. He has to carry it everywhere! Of course, it is half his size and drags on the floor but it's his and I better not touch it!

Shuky is also doing well in school! NICC just announced that they have paired up with University of Iowa and are offering a BA in Shuky's program. That means that our two years here may have just become four, but we will have to see as time goes by...

And, I have offiically stopped nursing. Did it for 14 months, super proud of myself. BRING ON THE BOOZE!

Hope everyone had a beautiful Chag and an easy fast today. May you all have a sweet new year with health, wealth, and happiness. And all that good stuff.


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